Web Designer Interview Questions and Answers for 2024 ( Advanced Part )

 Web Designer Interview Questions and Answers for 2024



Web Designer Interview Questions and Answers for 2024 ( Advanced Part )
Web Designer Interview Questions and Answers for 2024 ( Advanced Part )

1.      What are the types of pop-up boxes present in JavaScript?


This question is a regular feature in responsive web design interview questions, be ready to tackle it. In JavaScript, you may use three distinct sorts of pop-up windows: Alert Boxes, Confirm Boxes, and Prompt Boxes. Any message or notice is shown to the user in a pop-up window, which can be of three types: 

  • Whenever an alert has to be generated, the “Alert Box” is what you want to utilize. So when a user is prompted with the alert box, they should choose "OK" to continue. 
  • To get the user's consent or approval, a "Confirm Box" will come up. To continue, the user must choose either ok or cancel. 
  • Pop-up boxes like the "Prompt Box" are used to solicit information from the user. If the user presses cancel after inputting the necessary information, however, the null result is returned. 



2.      Mention the difference between <window.onload> and <onDocumentReady>.


The only difference between these events is their time of execution. An advanced web designer must have knowledge of it. That’s why we consider it to be one of the most important senior web designer interview questions.

The <window.onload> event gets executed only when all of a page's CSS and image styles are fully loaded. There is a little lag in page rendering because of the event. The DOM initialization is the sole prerequisite for the <onDocumentReady> event to take effect. It ensures zero delays in action.




3.      How is type conversion handled in JavaScript?


The term "type conversion" refers to the process of changing one data type into another. When a scripting language like JavaScript or a compiled language like C++ automatically transforms data types, this is called an implicit type conversion. In order for a function or operator to get the desired results, it may be necessary to perform a type conversion, like converting a string to a number or an object to a boolean, and so forth.




4.      What is scope of a variable in JavaScript?


The term "scope of variables" describes how widely a given variable may be used in the code. 

Let us say that you perform two distinct roles. In function 1, you define a variable. Then you go to the subsequent function, which is function 2. Now, you can use the variable created in Function 1 in Function 2. A JavaScript variable's scope is the area of code in which it can be used. 

The scopes of JavaScript variables are as follows: 

Global Scope: A variable with global scope is one that has been defined outside of a function. 


var globalVariable = "This is a Global variable"; 
// Code present here can use globalVariable 
function myFunction() { 
// Code present here can also use globalVariable 

Local Scope: A variable with the local scope is one that has been declared inside a function. 


// Code present here cannot use localVariable 
function myFunction() { 
var localVariable = "This is a local variable"; 
// Code present here can use localVariable 

Block Scope: The "block scope" variables defined inside a certain block (denoted by {}) are inaccessible from outside of that block. 

Function Scope: When you write a function in JavaScript, you are really establishing a new scope. 




5.      How are comments used in JavaScript?


JavaScript comments are used to provide context and improve the readability of JavaScript code. To avoid executing potentially problematic code while experimenting with alternatives, JavaScript comments can be used. Code comments can be added in two different ways in JavaScript; that are single-line and multi-line comments. 

Single-line comment: “//” - it is used to insert single-line comments. 


//This is a single-line comment 
Multi-line comment: “/* */” is used for adding multi-line comments. 


/* This 
is a 





6.      What are undefined and undeclared variables in JavaScript?


Undefined: Whenever a variable is defined but not given a value, this situation arises. 'Undefined' is not a valid keyword. 


var stay; 

Undeclared: It happens when we attempt to use a variable that hasn't been defined using the var or const keywords or hasn't been initialized. 


//ReferenceError: myVariable is not defined 





7.      How to submit a form in JavaScript?


A must-know for anyone heading into a web design interview, this question is frequently asked in web design Interview Questions. The following script can help you submit a form in JavaScript after furnishing all the elements like the anchor tag and one click. 



[The value ‘0’ defines the index of the JavaScript form.]





8.      Why is the <this> keyword used a lot in JavaScript?


The <this> keyword in JavaScript indicates the current object in use. The method of execution determines which entity is accessed (called or used). Depending on the usage, the <this> keyword may designate a variety of elements. But inside an object method, <this> denotes the object.





9.      What is the use of the <defer> attribute in JavaScript?


This is another important senior web designer interview question. There is a boolean element called defer. Setting this delay attribute means the script will be downloaded in parallel with page processing but will not be run until after page parsing is complete. That means its primary function is to postpone running the page's JavaScript until the parser has finished loading and initializing the page.





10.  How to prioritize SEO, maintainability, performance, and security on a website?


This is a commonly asked technical interview question for UI/UX designers. Any competent site designer must be able to weigh and comprehend these dissimilar aspects- what the designers say about the aspects they consider most important while designing. If you are designing a site for a huge financial institution, for instance, you may prioritize safety above search engine optimization (SEO). In contrast, online publications have a heightened focus on speed and SEO.





11.  What happens if a jQuery Event Handler returns false?


If a jQuery event handler produces a false boolean value, the event will not proceed with its corresponding function, and the handler will be removed from future execution.





12.  What are the new features introduced in CSS3?


The goal of CSS3, the current version of the Cascading Style Sheets language, is to expand on the capabilities of CSS2. It introduces several improvements and modifications, including the flexible box, multi-column, and grid layouts, as well as transitions, gradients, shadows, rounded corners, and animations. Previously, creative HTML hacks and applications like Photoshop were required to achieve the same level of visual flair as is now possible directly inside a web browser using CSS3.  

What makes CSS3 so special is how well it handles, reducing the need for images and code that used to be integral parts of your site's structure. This means less work for your web server and quicker page loads. One of the common topics of discussion in web design interviews is a list of the most important new features included in CSS3. Have a look- 

  • Superior animation. 
  • Layouts with many columns. 
  • Various Gradient and Background Options. 
  • Opacity. 
  • Selectors. 
  • Rounded corner. 



13.  What is Pair Programming?


In this Agile software design method, pair programming, two designers work together on a single computer. This practice has its roots in the Extreme programming (XP) methodology. Two individuals collaborate on the design, development, and testing of user stories. This method is widely used in a fast-paced work environment. That is why pair programming is an important segment in our web designer interview questions and answers set for experienced designers.




14.  What is the use of the $() function in jQuery?


Wrapping objects in their jQuery equivalents is done using the $() function. This is performed so that users can access all of the jQuery object's methods. We must also know that selectors may also be provided to the $() method, which will return a jQuery object containing the relevant DOM components.





15.  What are the benefits of using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) in jQuery?


The term "Content Delivery Network" (CDN) refers to a global network of servers that stores data in a centralized location for later retrieval. With a content delivery network (CDN), files may be sent at a greater speed from a server that is geographically closer to the client than your web server could be, thereby cutting down on the time it takes for the page to load. 

Because of the many benefits they provide, CDNs are commonly employed in jQuery. Here are the benefits: 

  • Using a CDN significantly lessens the pressure on the hosting machine. 
  • Optimizations have made jQuery frameworks more quickly accessible. 
  • Significant bandwidth reductions can be achieved by using CDN. 
  • To further aid with speedy page loads, CDNs may store copies of frequently visited pages in a cache.




16.  What types of CDNs are supported in jQuery?


There are two distinct types of jQuery content delivery networks (CDN): pull-style and reverse proxy. Even though the jQuery UI CDN stores a replica of the website's content, including media, requests are still sent to the web server in a conventional pull. Alternatively, a reverse proxy will take quick action upon receiving a request.





17.  Explain how you can set an image as a background on web pages.


The following snippet demonstrates how to use the body background attribute to provide the image that will be used as the backdrop of a web page. 

<body background= "picture.gif"> 

The background picture can be fixed so that it remains constant while scrolling the browser. This may be done by including the 'bgproperties' element in your HTML code. 

<body background = "picture.gif"bgproperties="fixed">





18.  Explain what Dreamweaver Template is.


Web designers can use Dreamweaver templates to separate editable and uneditable sections of a website. All web pages that make use of this template will automatically reflect the changes made on it. When using Dreamweaver templates, you can ensure that every page of your site has the same feel and design. We may make changes to all of our site's pages at once with it.




19.  When should you use these HTML5 tags- STRONG, EM, SMALL?


Although these tags may be used to change the appearance of the text (using EM to make it italic, STRONG to make it bold, and SMALL to make it smaller), that is not their major function, and you shouldn't use them only to make your writing seem a certain way. These tags provide a distinctive design impact not found in others (<b>). Here are the functions of these tags: 

  • <em> tag: For marking up any emphasized text. 
  • <strong> tag: Mostly used in headings, titles, as well as paragraphs to put stress over the word of greatest importance. 
  • <small> tag: It is commonly used for side comments, disclaimers, clarifications, etc. 





20.  Explain doctype.


Commonly the first line of code in an HTML or XHTML page is known as the DOCTYPE declaration that specifies the document type for the file. It's not a tag or component but rather a mechanism for telling browsers what edition of HTML or another markup language has been used to create the current page. Each HTML file needs a declaration of its document type to work properly. 


< !DOCTYPE html > 
<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <h1>This is a Heading</h1> 
    <h2>This is HTML5 Doctype</h2> 



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